Monday, August 29, 2011


As I sat here trying to figure out what I wanted to write on my blog, I suddenly started to laugh.  I thought about laughter being the best medicine.   A laugh a day keeps the doctor away.  Something like that anyway… or is that an apple a day? I started to think about things that kids say.
The week before my birthday, I was feeling sad as my oldest son and his family had left to move back to Kenosha, WI and my youngest son is over in Afghanistan, and his family is in Kansas.  I was feeling kind of lonely and sad, starting to realize I am not getting any younger.  My husband and I and our dear friends Lee and Carlanda went to a comedy show at the Golden Nugget, in downtown Las Vegas.  We saw Gordie Brown and   I laughed for almost an hour and half.   That is just what I needed.  I felt much better, and as I said before, laughter IS the best medicine.
My 24 year old  son Erik, who is an Army soldier,  is having a discussion with his new bride and tells her that he gets the side of the bed away from the closet.  Jen looks at him with a question mark and Erik states, "I don’t want the closet monster to get me".  Jen just laughs and says well after he gets me,  your're next. 
My nephew Jack is quite the character.  He loved teddy bears.  When he was about four years old my sister Joie and Jack were at Build a Bear  looking at Halloween costumes for his bears.  Jack looks at her after picking out several costumes for his bears and is ready to go pay.  Of course if you have ever been to Build a Bear, each costume costs about  10.00 each.  Joie said let’s go home and see what bears you are going to take trick or treating and  Jack gets this serious look on his face and says  “ Are you going to tell the others they can’t go.”  
I still think my favorite Jack story is the one about the time they were at church.  The minister's entire sermon was on walking Jesus' way or Satan’s way.  At the end of the service the minister says which way will you be following this week, Jesus or Satan?   Jack looks at his mother and says "I am going to follow Satan’s way, what about you mom"?  After the minister finally got the laughter settled down, he said maybe we should start this sermon over.   Of course my sister wanted to crawl under the seat.
I hope I did the Jack stories justice.


Robin said...

Yes laughter is the best medicine...these are funny.....!!

Stephanie said...

OMG, I was dying.... this was just what I needed.

Marlene said...

My nephew is a real live story in the making I will have many other Jack antics to share. told ya Steph it was good

RitaJC said...

Thank you so much for sharing!
Great stories! hahaha!